Friday, May 27, 2005


I have been using Opera for quite some time now, on several platforms. I Loved the 5.x Versions, when Opera really was ahead. Don't forget who brought us Tabbed Browsing :)
Version 7 rather shocked me, at least under Linux it was the ugliest Browser, I had ever seen.
-Yes, I have seen Amaya! [*SCNR*] I've even used MOSAIC - there was nothing else.
I am just about to get used to the current release, there still seem to be some CSS flaws, but what does that mean? I'll have to find out, why eBay is kicking me, when I try to log in with Opera. Strange.
My favourite through many years has always been Mozilla, but it looks like it getting slaughered by these Firefox Zealots.
Opera's email client is not so featureful as Mozilla's - but it's ok for sending some linking while browsing the net. I've got Sylpheed as my main MUA. Not perfect, but I have not seen the perfect mail app yet.

So. let's see, if Blogger will swallow this, or if i'll get kicked once more with my fancy red browser...


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